WEBMASTER™Wait what?! Okay. So ANYHOO, hello! This is my "site" as you can see. GNARLY, isn't it?! Well most of these ancient-ass sites use images and a shit ton of tables. What with all those web design software like DreamWeaver, ImageReady, FrontPage, Netscape Composer... Also those sites seem to have like this certain graphic look. There's scanlines, 3D stuff, animated gifs going on, marquees, and oh boy.
Have a baby GOOD. I'm bored, so I'll just spam a LIPSUM™ here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin libero non velit placerat eleifend. Curabitur convallis quis nunc ac molestie. Vestibulum semper dolor a sem elementum faucibus. Fusce odio ligula, commodo vitae bibendum ullamcorper, consectetur ac mi. Ut quis nisi id augue lacinia dapibus. Fusce pellentesque, augue et finibus iaculis, risus magna efficitur ipsum, non ornare tellus massa vitae quam. Etiam viverra nisl at mauris pellentesque, et pulvinar sem mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris cursus eu eros laoreet condimentum.
Okay WHAT?! Is this the part where ads begin to invade us while
we're surfing the internet? To be honest I'd much rather have light gifs
than flashy, memory-engulfing, slowdown-inator ads of today. Oh, gotta love
that they're sometimes infested with malware now. Just... good.
AboutBlah blah blah yadda yadda yadda boring that's it. ContactOkay so anyways if anyone wants to like ask me questions you can fill out this completely nonfunctional input thing :happy: Linkshttp://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net http://www.mommytimes.net ;) |
© 2003-200something Zumi (because this site obviously exists at that time!!!)
Best viewed with any browser now Internet Explorer compliant!
and a screen resolution of
800x600 10200x9600, or just ANY RESOLUTION really, because this shit uses tables.
(And don't actually set responsive view mode to 10200x9600 it just looks shrivelled LOOOOL)
Now here's the same set of stamps as before:
Back to the normal page, go to the past, or embrace the future?