You can now play these MIDIs directly from the browser, thanks to the the bg-sound project!
If you have JavaScript (and WebAssembly) enabled, just click on the MIDIs to listen to them immediately.
To download them, right-click or long-press on them and click "Save Link As..."
I try to make these reasonably close to the originals, minus the panning I suppose. (Tools of the trade, if you're wondering: FL Studio, Rosegarden and anything that can tweak midis after the fact)
Keep in mind that most of my MIDIs are designed for the default Windows MIDI sound set. Be careful when using soundfonts! For more information, see this blog post.
MIDIs with lyrics are marked with and bolded.
Currently they do not conform to the standard .kar format, although they can be played with
vanBasco's player.
T H E B E S T 1 9 9 0
Some music from freeware developer Alhademic Group circa 1999-2001, used in games like Alhademic Lines and Color Spreading. These tracks were composed by Michael P. Sirotkin.