Windows 10 will be 'the last version of Windows'

Microsoft to move to smaller, more frequent updates - meaning the all-important version number will remain the same from now on

Windows 10's default wallpaper, depicting a Windows logo shining through with what appears to be lasers coming out of the logo.

Windows 10 will be the last major release of Microsoft's venerable operating system, according to a development executive at the firm.

Once the new version is released this summer, future updates will come in an "ongoing manner", the company confirmed.


Through decades of people having no choice but to be used by us, we think we know what's best for you.
That's why we're pleased to bring you much-needed improvements we think you'll like, including:

A featureless, OCD-triggering taskbar

It's not fair that macOS has all of the fun. In fact, our taskbar should take cues from the best.
What's the matter? No Task Manager? What are you, some kind of power user? If you are, surely you know Ctrl+Alt+Del by heart?
Resizing? Are you crazy? You only need it in one size, and at the bottom of the screen too. We want the experience to be uniform, you see.
Window labels? That's just clutter you don't need!

Psst, if you hover over the taskbar below, you'll see a glimpse of Windows 11.1. Let this be our little secret~

Start anew

Instead of thinking it as a place for your shortcuts and the like, think of it as a landing page for your device.

We want you to always know where everything is, so we placed your most recently used files front and center. Hope you didn't look at anything confidential lately!

The Windows 11 start menu, showing a search bar, pinned applications, the recommended bar mostly consisting of recent files, the user name and shut down options. Ditto, but darker

A new action center, because we think your PC is a goddamn phone.

Just when you thought Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 were phone-y enough.

The new Windows 11 action menu that looks kind of like Chrome OS

Widgets... NOT!

Wait, were you ACTUALLY expecting widgets from Windows Vista and 7?!
Do you even LOOK at them?! Instead, we rehashed our Live Tiles concept! 'Cause we know you love looking at 'em.

Windows 11 widgets, which is really just Live Tiles by any other name

Accessories. Now slower and uglier!

Win32 is sooooo 1995. UWP is the future!
Never mind the way it churns when you start an UWP app, you can rest assured that it'll always look pretty!

Old MS Paint, with a wide viewing range New MS Paint, with a huge toolbox covering a concerning portion of the canvas

Surprise! You are all our beta testers!

Because we sacked 'em all back when we released Windows 10.
But don't worry. It'll get better. You'll just have to live with it.

Submenus over the right-click desktop menu. I don't think that's supposed to happen.

Always online, because we care about you.

We're basically your helicopter parent at this point.
And don't you even dare escape.

Windows 11 OOBE blocking progress until an internet connection is detected

See computing history at a glance

We're proud to stand on the shoulders of our 30-year legacy.
If you have Windows, you have our entire history at your fingertips.
...because we won't start over from scratch.

Inconsistent UIs from different eras!

Fun ads in Explorer!

Would you like to have your data logged? Love, Windows Explorer

Integrated IE- I mean Chromiu- I mean, uhh, Edge.

And good luck changing it to anything else.
You'd think we'd learned anything from the lawsuit that nearly split us, but they ain't gonna switch from us anytime soon.

And you won't even know it's here!

We made sure to make your ride there as smooth as possible, of course, by upgrading your computer behind your back as soon as we find that you meet our vague hardware specifications.

Unless you locked yourself into Windows 10 21H1, in which case: fuck you.
We will personally send a Windows 11 update to your house soon enough.

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Don't worry though.
You'll still get the same inescapable update ride, just like Windows 10.