Zumi's Scratchpad

MDiocre 3.1 (a.k.a RSTiocre)

updated on

College starts tomorrow (yes, online), so I'm taking this chance to update and release version 3.1 of my static site generator. Not many changes from the user side, however improvements have been made under the hood. These under-the-hood changes are what made it possible for me to finally implement ReStructuredText support, something I've kinda planned for a long time. In fact, this page is written in ReStructuredText instead of Markdown!

Starting in this version, there's a GUI you can use (just run python mdiocre_gui.py). It runs on Tk, which is pretty much included with every desktop Python install. I would have used PyQt, but that's way too much overhead for such a simple tool. And yeah, it runs terribly right now, locking when you click on "Process" until it finishes. It's pretty slow building this website using the GUI, but I want to put threading on it (a concept I barely understand right now lol)

I've also wanted to build index page generation functionality in MDiocre, but seeing how 2.0 went, I decided it would be Python scripts for now, instead of something accessible from the CLI. Now that I think about it... I might consider making that functionality accessible from the GUI. Maybe later, since I barely have enough time to write up big features lmao. Not only is there an index page generator, I also threw in the feed generator for my site as well.

Tags, that's another one. While tags isn't "officially" supported in MDiocre, the samples/make_tags.py script should make up for it. In fact, if you plan to work with that script, just know that tags are an ordinary MDiocre variable. It should contain space-seperated tags, and the script will automatically make pages for it. However, the pages themselves won't be modified with tag links... should I do that?

Anyway, I plan to add the features I added to the scripts, to here. I'm talking split up index pages, tag lists... Maybe adding a "tag index" page?

Anyway, that's it I guess. I'll update the docs here later, but for now you can check out what's on the repo.